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Актуальные инвестиции в 2020 году

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Куда вложить деньги, чтобы получать ежемесячный доход

В золото вкладывают деньги на долгосрочную перспективу, на коротких промежутках времени такие вклады показывают минимальную доходность. Так, за последние десять лет учетная цена Центробанка за грамм благородного металла увеличилась более чем в 3 раза и сейчас превышает во что вложить деньги in google 3 тыс. Но если говорить о значительно меньших временных диапазонах, например от года до трех лет, она может колебаться и даже падать — также в связи с мировыми экономическими трендами. «Инвестировать в этот актив не только полезно, но и очень увлекательно!

Наблюдается тенденция роста спроса на недорогую недвижимость в среднеудаленных от города полосах. Минус в том, что забрать деньги раньше определенного периода можно только с потерей процентов. Кроме того, нередко их нельзя пополнять, обратите на это внимание, если планируете во что вложить деньги откладывать небольшую сумму ежемесячно. В таком случае вам стоит выбрать вклад «до востребования». Правда, это будет не самое эффективное вложение средств — по данным Центробанка на осень 2019 года, процент годовых начислений для таких вкладов был меньше 4.

Сегодня, как и раньше, один из наиболее рациональных вариантов вложения денег – недвижимость. Причем не нужно брать ипотечный кредит, чтобы заработать на ней. Можно накопить сбережения в течение 4 месяцев и выгодно инвестировать в проекты застройщиков с доходностью 11,5% годовых.

Вложение денег в венчурные фонды

Гарантии возврата инвестиций-банковские гарантии. Строго говоря профессиональный инвестор прежде чем инвестировать куда либо, проводит тщательный DUE DILIGENCE, а мы как дети в песочнице ковыряемся, абсолютно не зная о гарантиях возврата инвестиций!!!!! Даже здесь в интернете нужно «перелопатить» очень много информации для правильного инвестирования. А вы называете блог для ленивого инвестора, это неверно, если не сказать грубее. Только имея на руках 100% банковскую безвозвратную гарантию на определённую сумму можно «отбить» первоначальные инвестиции.

Инвестиции для блондинок

во что вложить деньги

Кроме того,стоимость активов, создающих добавленную стоимость, как правило, растет быстрее, чем стоимость активов, которые добавленной стоимости не создают. Это происходит потому, что помимо инфляции, увеличивающей стоимость продаваемых предприятием товаров, на увеличение выручки компании работает еще и увеличение эффективности самого бизнеса.

Новости РОССИИ

При этом ему необходимы частные инвестиции для пополнения оборотных средств, например, для реализации новых проектов. Выплата дивидендов начинается после того, как застройщик сдал объект и подал документы в банк. Очень разумный вариант – инвестировать полученную прибыль в другие проекты. При грамотном распределении бюджета у вас не будет острой необходимости в этих деньгах, и можно сразу же отправить их в работу, увеличив последующие начисления.

на акцию, обыкновенные акции с таким дивидендом могут достичь 300 руб. МТС – своего рода квазиоблигация, по которой в следующие 13–14 месяцев будет выплачено 48 руб. дивидендами (почти 20 руб. финальный дивиденд https://srp-trade.ru/ за 2018 г. и 28 руб. согласно дивидендной политике за 2019 г.). Это при текущей цене дает доходность 17% – лучшая дивидендная история на рынке с точки зрения доходности и риска невыплаты», – поясняет эксперт.

Центробанк снизил ключевую ставку до нового исторического минимума

Инвестиции в ПиФы самый распространенный способ инвестирование после банков. Относительно небольшая стоимость пая (доля фонда) делает этот вид инвестирования доступным для всех слоев населения старше 18 лет. Управляющие ПиФами компании занимаются в основном торговлей акциями на фондовом рынке и инвестициями в недвижимость. В теории их цель любым способом увеличить стоимость одного пая. На практике же основная цель таких компаний извлечение собственной выгоды и даже если инвестор будет терпеть убытки, управляющие все равно будут брать свою комиссию за управление фондом.

  • Причем не нужно брать ипотечный кредит, чтобы заработать на ней.
  • Можно накопить сбережения в течение 4 месяцев и выгодно инвестировать в проекты застройщиков с доходностью 11,5% годовых.
  • Сегодня, как и раньше, один из наиболее рациональных вариантов вложения денег – недвижимость.
  • Как и куда вкладывать деньги в 2020 году — в валюту, недвижимость или акции?

Если фонд ничего не заработал за год, то и ваша прибыль за год, соответственно, будет равняться нулю. Все риски в любом случае берет на себя сам инвестор, то есть вы. Более того, вы будете постоянно выплачивать вознаграждение управляющей компании, даже в моменты, когда фонд терпит убытки.

во что вложить деньги

Кроме того, государство гарантирует возврат всех вложенных в «народные» облигации денег, а по банковским депозитам можно рассчитывать лишь на страховку до 1,4 млн рублей. Акции компаний могут быть более доходными, но требуют определенных знаний и подготовки. Новичкам осмысленно инвестировать деньги только в крупнейшие корпорации, но это потребует существенных финансов. Кроме того, на территории России обычные люди в основном могут вложить средства только в российские же компании. Для инвестиций в какой-нибудь Apple или Microsoft потребуется счет от 6 миллионов или статус финансиста (требующий специального образования).

Эксперты по финансовой грамотности советуют скопить 3-4 месячных дохода, разобраться с кредитами и только во что вложить деньги in wikipedia потом инвестировать. Если свободных денег несколько миллионов, то имеет смысл вложить их в недвижимость.

Если в банке вам предлагают процент по вкладам, превышающий 14% годовых, это очень сомнительная авантюра. Повышенная доходность сопряжена с повышенными рисками – это едва ли не главный закон любых вложений и инвестиций. Конечно, эта доходность уже сейчас значительно выше, чем ставки по вкладам, которые и дальше будут снижаться. И самое главное — это фиксированная доходность, она не зависит от мировых рыночных катаклизмов, как цена акций или золота.

На канале InvestModa есть уникальное видео про то, куда вложить деньги – 45 идей, как создать во что вложить деньги in youtube пассивный доход. Практический каждый может найти в этом списке способ, как можно заработать.

Если обратиться с этим вопросом к тому, кто вам предлагает ту или иную инвестицию, то вам ответят, что лучше конкретно неё в плане доходности ничего не придумаешь. Незадолго до начала самоизоляции россияне бросились забирать деньги из банков. В марте вкладчики обналичили 315 млрд рублей.

Если же вкладывать заемные деньги, то тут вообще нужно много опыта, что явно подходит не каждому. Но есть и риски, причем они достаточно велики. Так, на фондовом рынке никто не гарантирует вам доход.

Четвёртое правило: прибыль не стоит сразу же расходовать

Самый доступный и безопасный вариант сохранить и приумножить деньги — банковский депозит. Чтобы управлять вкладом, не нужны особенные знания финансового мира, а как используются ваши деньги — прозрачно и понятно. Вы вкладываете средства в банк на год под 8% годовых. Финансисты пользуются ими для других операций — например, отдают кредит кому-то под более высокий процент, извлекая прибыль.

во что вложить деньги

Куда вложить 5000 долларов?

Ведь драгоценные металлы — это не только унылые слитки, хранящиеся в сейфах, но и нарядные ювелирные украшения, радующие глаз и душу, или старинные http://grandwater.ru/2019/09/19/v-marte-infljacija-v-germanii-zamedlilasь-do-1-3/ монеты, бередящие воображение. И, наконец, вложения в собственную карьеру – тоже инвестиция, эффективность которой сравнима с любой иной.

David Gough felt no pressure while refereeing All-Ireland final

David Gough, who refereed the drawn ” when officiating the greatest game of this year, he felt no stress.
Much of the attention from the build-up to the match was to the collection of Meath native Gough.
But when 3:30pm on September 1 arrived, he still felt no pressure at all.
“It is actually another game,” Gough told The Six O’Clock Show.
“I’d spent the week beforehand with a sports psychologist who’d prepared me for this instant. He made it.
“[The GAA] have contributed referees access to sports psychologists in the past number of years. It’s big for us that we are able to go and visualise things in matches to help us prepare for the match. We really do want this, and it is a wonderful tool.
“I simply could not wait to get on the pitch and throw up the ball. Everything else fades into the background after that. The noise in the arena, the capability that is complete, you do not detect anything concerning it. You have 70 to 80 minutes of focus. You see colours, numbers, jerseys. You do not even recognise the players, so I didn’t feel any tension going in at all.”
The frequent consensus after the match had been that he chose the proper calls for the decisions that are large, however, Gough made it clear he doesn’t listen to the opinions of anybody.
He noted:”I do not hear any of the analysis. I don’t watch back the match that has any analysts’ comment. I watch back the game myself, with my microphone played it which is given to us by Croke Park. So I don’t get caught up in some of the comment whatsoever.
“It’s really nice for me to be able to sit and see a match and concentrate on everything I did and that which I played, how I talked to the players and how they spoke to me.”
Cork’s Conor Lane will take control of the replay on Saturday.
Watch Dublin vs Kerry in the All-Ireland final replay live on Sky Sports Arena from 5pm on Saturday.
You may also stay current with all the actions by following us @SkySportsGAA and receive all of the latest news, previews and interviews in www.skysports.com/gaa.

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Top Ransomware Secrets

On occasion the virus grants or loans you the option of paying through MoneyPak, an online site that provides pre-paid plastic cards. It requires the immediate payment involving if you want the data back. After the malware makes itself relaxing within your product, the person behind it is going to request that you shell out a particular selection money to retrieve that. You might also want to install ant-virus or Net security software program that could detect and remove ransomware dangers until they take over your PC. Ransomware and other types of malware happen to be increasing, with a growing number of businesses being attacked weekly. As of 2015, there’s also mobile phone ransomware. The earliest ransomware, named PC Cyborg or AIDS, was made in the late 1980s.

Cluley, that has worked for many security vendors throughout the previous 20-plus decades, went on to express that it’s to become hoped more people and companies will certainly wake until the importance of earning regular copies and keeping them distinct from their computers. Encrypting hypersensitive data to generate data worthless whether it’s stolen. Your data can not be recovered unless of course a fee was paid to decrypt them. The only ways to renew the information is by using backups. It is very important to know the malicious program could encrypt new info after a restart, which explains why we recommend wiping out it if you plan on using the infected machine later on. This process only tells the bad guys you’ve got vital data, and you’re willing to devote the sum to patrol it. In most cases, it’s tricky to separate malevolent data, which explains why our analysts at Anti-spyware-101.

Ensure that your computer is up-to-date. Normally, an afflicted computer may have several attacks of spyware. What you will need is another computer readily available to you. Make certain you spine to protect your device up your computer on the normal basis. While protecting some type of computer from concealed threats might not exactly look to be a simple task, it’s quite possible. There are many different strategies ransomware may infect your personal computer. Whether it’s using your home computer or a network computer in which you work, there is a range of activities you may decide to try guard yourself against Ransomware.

There are two types of users. If the user does not pay the cybercriminal a specific quantity of cash within a particular quantity of period, their info will be misplaced forever. Surprisingly, however , a lot of users hardly ever downloaded it. In addition , he could be asked to pay a fine in order to avoid obtaining into jail. A wide selection of users get threats since they are exceedingly careless or since they rush in to opening suspicious data, therefore it is advisable to don’t hurry and never allow your guard straight down while surfing the web. In case the user will not pay within just three days, the amount goes for being doubled. Instructing users about potential hazards and the way to decide phishing attempts and deceptive links is mostly a crucial component to ongoing IT security.

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An individual wish to additional encrypt the files using the incorrect decryption script. On the other hand, in case you consistently backup the files, the number of files you lose needs to be nominal. You may not acquire your files back, however you might rest assured Malwarebytes (software) – Wikipedia the infection will most likely be cleaned up. On the flip side, if you would like restore your files without having to pay the ransom, follow the remaining part of the steps beneath.

Everybody knows they should regress to something easier their data. Say, for example, something is seeking to encrypt a great deal of documents, or the whole Test Results C drive. Which means, you’re continue to lucky mainly because it really does not really encrypt the files not like what it advertised, and therefore don’t waste your time looking for any decryption primary. If it will not, we believe it may begin encrypting targeted documents at once.

It will be easy, and should, look at using multiple backup techniques. If you don’t have copies and your files are genuinely irretrievable, you may want to pay when you desire all of them back. Besides ensuring your backup is usually correctly manufactured as called above, you might need a premium quality enterprise security fit installed. If you have finished the backup, remember you have unplugged the hard disk through the machine designed for safe storage area. Ultimately, ensure you’ve got a great offsite backup of your info. Therefore , it could essential you maintain each and every one passwords within a secure place and update these people regularly. In actual fact, you cannot count just in passwords, hence the best method to safeguard your data is to use at least two-factor authentication where you’ll be able.

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Avast Drivers Updater may be utilised in Windows platform, but the format of the windowpane ought to be over 7. 0. He or she makes certain that you can magazine, scan for different kinds of documents and transfer files flawlessly. Avast Driver Updater gives various configurations that enable you to to modify the update process and apply this program in accordance with your requirements. He or she can also get access to every one of the updates designed for the design drivers utilized in the system.

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Why Everybody Is Talking About Dog Camera Reviews…The Simple Truth Revealed

Where to Find Dog Camera Reviews

The camera is expected to start shipping to backers in This summer. Additionally , it doesn’t yet support live streaming, and that means you won’t be allowed to view current happenings while using the cam. To begin with, you can insure a top quality camera that provides you with the image clarity that doesn’t come to feel cheap in any respect. Simply speaking, it is the ideal camera for puppies and other your pets on the planet.

My personal dog started to get stressed about my newest move as soon as he found me supplying boxes. Inside this way you may be aware of all of the things occurring with your puppy. Your dog probably will enjoy this kind of small handle dispensing structure of technology far more. Whenever your doggie barks, the machine will send you notifications so it’s possible to deal with whatever is occurring in your house.

When you prepare the camera and download the companion iphone app, you can delight in a myriad of pet-friendly capabilities. In addition , this can be a great-looking camera is effective extremely well. It has the among the most well-liked dog surveillance cameras available on the market, and I wished to check out whether it lived up to the hype.

Dog Camera Reviews Explained

When your Astuto camera is certainly connected with your smartphone in that case there’s no need to be worried about your doggie. It is this kind of advanced system that is designed to watch your dog even if you are out door. So in spite of the quick learning curve taken under consideration, the Astuto Dog Camera is a significant add-on to the pet-owner’s property. It was simple to set up. General, it was well-designed and easy to work with. Apart from that, there are a variety of other stuff that will force one to purchase the Astuto dog camera.

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You’ve got to place the camera on the table or any type of place more effortlessly. You could easily arranged this camera on a aspect table in an excellent level to catch wherever your canine friend usually is usually when you’re departed. With the creation and evolution of your web and wireless on the web connectivity all around the globe, both camera and cctv technology can be employed virtually anywhere for a number of objectives which include interacting with the pooch. In some instances, this camera can literally save living of your family pet or the dwelling. Should you be thinking that here is the costliest camera for dogs in the The planet, then you’re here wrong.

No browser necessary, you merely have to download an iphone app. From that point on, all the time you available the software, you’re watch a live video give in your home. As you’re patiently waiting, you may download the COST-FREE app that is certainly readily available for iOS or Android os devices.

When you signal into the app you merely choose your Furbo and it really is heading upload the live feed from the device in your house. The app will manage numerous logins at the same time, and it is very simple to work with. Its cell phone app is additionally incredibly easy to use. The application will help you through every stage along the method. As a way to any Furbo system, you require a Furbo app. Astuto dog camera app can be bought in various costs. The ideal matter dog camera reviews regarding the Furbo dog camera app is the simple build up and reasonably priced selling price.

Vital Pieces of Antivirus for Windows 10

The Fundamentals of Antivirus for Windows 10 Revealed

Your antivirus security software should definitely have capacity to basic out existing malware, although 16 Android Security Apps vs. Google Play Protect in an Endurance Test the continuing activity is to reduce ransomware, botnets, Trojans, and also other forms of awful programs from acquiring a foothold. Consequently , if you’re looking for the very best antivirus to guard your PC and add some added bonus features to your day-to-day workflow, also, be certain you take a look at record below. Deciding upon the ideal anti virus for your computer’s protection against dangers and risky attacks relies on the amount of cover you desire and the kind of threats you wish to block.

AVG Antivirus is a superb choice if you just require basic malware protection and don’t wish to cover advanced features, or you’re able to work with it in tandem along with your present antivirus program to be a second level of protection. At best, you will still locate a more robust and prosperous antivirus to shield you from viruses and spyware and adware. Picking the antivirus intended for Windows means finding one that keeps your personal computer safe, is not going to occupy a large amount of system assets, isn’t difficult to apply and is from the way till you need it. Util antivirus intended for Windows 15 is a rather light software program which will not require as much storage space than the typical program in the section Security computer programs.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Antivirus for Windows 10

You might actually change anti-virus purely for the simple reality other solutions are going to have a smaller amount of an impact on your system effectiveness than Microsoft windows Defender. BitDefender Antivirus 2010 presents an effective security, using several methods and offered at reduced price. Thus, you could trust the antivirus without worry. Avast Antivirus moreover gives a wonderful browsing encounter as you surf the internet any kind of time moment, you don’t have to be concerned about over the internet threats as well as internet scams. Summary Avast Free Antivirus is definitely among the most effective free total security managers out there.

During your time on st. kitts may be cases where you might need to disable the antivirus, it could never suggested to get your product without spyware and adware protection. Avast Antivirus is certainly developed by Avast which is among the biggest multination cybersecurity computer programs companies on earth. On the flip side, Avast Free Anti virus not only features a selection of security-related features but in addition packs a lot of practical ammenities which various other antivirus businesses usually include in their advanced suites. Tempo Avast Free of charge Antivirus consists of a wide selection of typical scanning alternatives, dependent on interesting depth and speed.

Antivirus for Windows 10: the Ultimate Convenience!

Actually it isn’t something such as Avast would not have any effect about system resources. Avast is an antivirus, many of us recognize that. Avast can be notorious meant for implementing next-gen technologies to resist against all sorts of adware and spyware, viruses, and cyber-threats.

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Antivirus for Windows 10

A virus is actually a sort of spyware. It is a part of program that will install alone on a program. If that’s the case, operating virus and malware protection from a reliable protection company isn’t a lousy idea.

At the time you install the solution, it is going to require that you generate a complete check. The software also has a cool and useful interface. The safety software is designed to provide the very first line of protection to face shield your computer against viruses, rootkits, spyware, and other forms of harmful code. The pc software is not going to do the job too should it not need Internet access, although one takes on you could have Internet safeguard if you are trying to find virus and malware proper protection. If it comes to antivirus software, Windows Opponent is apparently a unique option. Its not all antivirus application List of rogue security software – Wikipedia gives good ultimate. Bitdefender It’s one of the great antivirus software programs which are available for the purpose of both your Computers in addition to your Mobiles.

The pc software is on a regular basis updated to be with the current trend. Malware application only dwelling address a subset of malware. AVG the ideal Antivirus software gives reliable protection from malicious software program.


A faster antivirus plan is going to include a positive impact on the users complete the job. It’s going to be worthless to say no to Anti-virus program, when using the rise in ransomware problems, acquiring https://webroot-reviews.com/best-antivirus-for-windows-10/ a trusted anti-virus protection software is vitally important. Most of totally free Antivirus programs simple find the job done. Due to its extremely customizable features, the at no cost antivirus course is far more than merely a program to defend important computer data.

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A House windows Defender eye-port will show on the traditional computer’s desktop. It’s simple and easy to install and in addition simple to use to continue to keep your House windows 10 COMPUTER safe from all sorts of virus. House windows 10 presents a choice to disable Windows Defender, nevertheless it’s a short-term choice once it is likely you are searching for a more permanent answer. For this reason, it’s among the finest antivirus house windows 10 totally free.

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AVG antivirus security software is yet a superb decide on for the protection of the PC. Typically the antivirus will wipe out the majority of the selections on eyesight, and identify some of the remaining portion of the ones when we attempt to introduction them. FSecure AntiVirus isn’t very difficult to mount and it not slow down your computer.

Ant-virus comes in two distinct varieties that are Totally free and Paid. how to choose the best antivirus for Windows 10 Simply keep in mind that antivirus is merely one of the ordinary computer reliability practices you ought to be following. Avast Free Anti virus is a complete-featured item, together with the exact same antivirus security software and anti-spyware scanning engine Test Microsoft Windows Defender Antivirus 4.12 & 4.18 for Windows 10 (183212) employed in our premium solutions.

Antivirus has turned into a simple requirement, to continue to take care of computer secure from malware. Your ant-virus should definitely have capacity to underlying out existing malware, nevertheless continuing job is to avoid ransomware, botnets, Trojans, and other forms of terrible programs from applying for a foothold. Thus, you could trust the antivirus without having worry. Avast antivirus continues to be the ideal malware software’s available. Avast Cost-free Antivirus had taken the top location due to a combination of wonderful evaluation outcome and built-in capacities.

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Spyware is actually a particular type of software which is intended to gain access to your accounts and some other important info. Following your malware’s no longer, they don’t have any additional consumption, since they present no continuous protection. Take a look at our article on the evidence you’ve got trojans.

The Supreme Approach for Best Windows 10 Antivirus

For the first time, it includes the feature where you can protect your house network equipment, like routers and wireless devices, out of hacker attacks. You may also upgrade to internet secureness feature if you want more secureness. Apart from supplying you with super antivirus plus the anti-malware company, in addition , it supplies you with a much more additional protection features.

The Importance of Best Windows 10 Antivirus

The 2017 absolutely free version contains Zen applications that make it possible for you to check out status of all the so-called devices running the program. The newest edition of Ad-Aware free ant-virus makes it possible for users to experience uncomplicated security. In addition , there isn’t a Expert variation of the serious antivirus. Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition is normally popular for the quick and straightforward installation and in addition supplies very good malware stopping. It is well suited for home use, as it does not burden the device with unnecessary processes when providing a higher level of safeguard.

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You are able to provide security for all of your devices with a one license. Installing BitDefender Internet Secureness products you exceeding that which you expect from a simple malware removal tool. It is real-time safeguard can find even the most current malware. If you would like real-time cover like microsoft windows defender than you’ll need to fork out.

To observe just how an antivirus security software program has been doing, you may look at a wide range of records, including a graph and or chart that averages performance above the previous four tests and an overview within the previous five assessments. It is going to become worthless to convey no to Antivirus program, with the within ransomware disorders, obtaining a trustworthy anti-virus proper protection tool is vital. The majority of the anti-virus programs are free, and a number of them are paid out ones. Today, antivirus computer programs programs include several equipment to resist against various most current threats as well.

When you mount the software, it is going to request that you just earn a complete check. Further when exploring the true net, the pc computer software can counsel everyone in case you’re simply going to support land concerning an online website that’s recognized to supply viral microbe attacks, helping customers to keep away from problems till that they lead to a concern! The software also has a nice and user friendly interface. Its not all antivirus computer software gives you very good outcomes. Choosing the ideal antivirus software can be a lot a lot easier with our guru reviews. When you are Scanguard – Home choosing a new ant-virus software and might need to consider using a totally free edition, bear in mind you will discover pros and cons for both paid and free versions.

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The very best issue of your tool is that it comes at no cost of expense together with the goodwill and reputation of Microsoft. It gives you a current protection that safeguards the device coming from various security threats. Malware tools contain needed to develop into much more comprehensive security software that may take on some new forms of threats.

The program is normally regularly current to stay together with the current phenomena. A paid out antivirus applications are particularly helpful in case you have a COMPUTER or equipment that is already infected. So , it’s required to install nice and reputed antivirus computer software to guard your windows system.








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